Pianofest 2017 Summer Newsletter
Greetings to all of you in our Pianofest family, with our first summer session well underway for an exciting summer! As our musical season begins, we wish you many inspiring discoveries and new impressions, as well as a rejuvenating holiday. Here in our second quarterly newsletter, we hope you will have a look at our alum and board member snapshots, and glance at our concert listing and participant roster. Also, please take a moment to visit our Facebook page, linked below: we have all our current photos there, as well as fun video introductions to our festival participants. Together with all of us here at Pianofest, I am personally looking forward to seeing as many of you as I can this summer!
Our First Digital Newsletter for Pianofest!
Greetings and welcome--we are excited to introduce this new way to connect our community to news, upcoming events, features, and profiles. We love to hear from you, and hope you enjoy!